Today we only discuss bag factories from China.Although many countries have OEM bag factories, China is still the first choice for many companies. Although there are OEM bag factories in many countries, China is still the first choice for many companies. China has the most complete bag processing industry and does a good job in service, price, quality, transportation, and on-time delivery.
Now learn how to choose a suitable Chinese bag factory.
Factory establishment time:Bag production is a professional job that requires at least 5 years of experience to meet different customization requirements and reduce errors in production.
Factory scale:It is not necessarily the case that the bigger the factory, the better it is for you. Although the big factories are more complete, they require higher minimum order quantity and price. If you only need to produce a few hundred to a few thousand bags, or even 100 pcs, you can consider a small factory. They can better meet your requirements, whether it is price or service quality. Of course, you can also choose a large factory if they are willing to produce small batch orders.
Factory address:This is very important. Bag factories in different regions of China have different positioning.
Guangzhou: Medium-high quality bags, can produce most types of bags.
Yiwu: Low quality bags, can produce most types of bags.
Jiangxi: Good at school bags and trolley cases, moderate prices.
Hebei: Low quality bags, cheap prices. Can produce most types of bags.
Service:No matter what, good service can really make your order go smoothly, which depends on the sale you contact. The reply is timely?Salesperson is professional?Production timeliness and quality are guaranteed? Please judge whether it is suitable for you when communicate with the factory saler.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.