We have two bag factories, both located in Shiling, Guangzhou, China. Welcome to visit.
The current monthly production is 20000-30000 bags, depending on the complexity of the bags.
Yes, for example, we can expedite the production of bags used for meetings and events.
Yes, we have our own designers and sample workshops.Welcome to customize your personality styles.
Sample time:about 7 days.
Custom Orders: minimum is 100pcs.
Stock Orders: minimum is 10 pcs.
Normal turn-around time is 30-50 days. It depends on the order quantity.
According to your requirements (quantity, material, size, logo), we will prepare a quotation for you within 1-2 working days.As one of the most competitive bag manufacturers in China, we will provide you with a cost-effective quotation.
Vegan Leather, PU, PVC Leather, Genuine Leather, Canvas, Nylon, Denim, Oxford, Fur, Straw, Cotton, Plush and etc.
Handbag,tote bag,shoulder bag,crossbody bag,purse,wallet,makeup bag,travel bag,deffle bag,gym bag,backpack,laptop bag,belt bag,waist bag,chest bag,beach bag,lunch bag and etc.
Yes.Custom packaging is also available.
Once order is confirmed, 30%/50% order deposit is due.
The balance is due when production is complete and before shipped.
For special payment term requests speak to your Project Manager.
Wire transfer, credit card, or other commonly used payment platforms
Yes, manufacturer’s costs decrease as the the production volume increases, so the more quantity you’ll produce the more the cost will decrease.
Yes, we can help you with transportation and customs clearance.